I used to like Martin Amis - 'Money', 'Rachel Papers' even 'Dead Babies'. Now, I realise that the feminists at the time who berated us for reading his stuff, were in fact correct. 'Money' might be half decent but the rest of his output trailed off to pure shite a long time ago. Plus he's a racist cunt - get what he said last year -
"There’s a definite urge - don’t you have it? - to say… the Muslim community will have to suffer until it gets its house in order. What sort of suffering? Not let them travel. Deportation - further down the road. Curtailing of freedoms. Strip-searching people who look like they’re from the Middle East or from Pakistan … Discriminatory stuff, until it hurts the whole community and they start getting tough with their children."
How the shitey have fallen. . .