I was googling for a picture of somewhere in Iran, a street, a café something normal but all I could find was a load of hanged people photos, pictures of missiles and scared-up pics of the president. The point was meant to be - this is just another country leave it the fuck alone. Let the Iranian people do any régime changing, get rid of your own nuclear missiles and if you do invade, say "Yeah, we want their oil ok"- at least be honest for a change. Not that you'd get away with it so easily, though, this time. Which there won't be. . . .will there?
It has to be said - just because an idea is absolutely insane that is insufficient for the American government not to go ahead and do it. Think not? Well read on....
"“If the president thought John McCain was going to be the next president, he would think it more appropriate to let the next president make that decision than do it on his way out,” said Kristol.
However, he warned, “if President Bush thinks Senator Obama’s going to win, does he somehow think—does he worry that Obama won’t follow through on that policy.”"
So if Obama looks good for the Presidency come the end of Summer - Bush'll give the Israelis the green light and sabotage Obama? Or even get the elections cancelled....