It's easy to pour scorn on the sad nutters that join far right groups. Oops, there I go again. The case of the delightful looking chep above, though, is instructive. You may well have heard that Rozzer nicked Martin Gilleard a working class bloke from Goole, for the minor infraction of having an ammunition dump under his bed, a pile of racist literature in his possession and a list of Muslim targets. Cue, one would think in these volatile times, for an orgy of media fear mongering, tortured inquiry into these "white people with short hair" and the fate of men everywhere and how racism, Christianity, competitive games...are vile and dangerous things and should be banned and sent back from whence they came. Well, no, there was no reaction at all, of course.
Why is this? Embarassment perhaps. He we are fully braced for a Islamist act of terror - (someone writing an offensive poem or someone insisting on wearing their veil or carrying suspicious looking drinks in bottles, or getting honeytrapped in to saying "Bomb the planes bomb the planes!", walking down stairs in front of armed cops in an agressive manner etc.) andbut what do we get? An honest cheeky looking chappy saying some bad things and with some bad things in his shed. They're only nail bombs and he did say he had become 'less racist in the last few weeks' (?). So the MSM have to cringe and hope no one really notices. Fortunately a few have. See Yorkshire Ranter and the Tomb frinstance.
Or perhaps the MSM think the story would offend their core audience. They fear that villifying this type of terror would offend or frighten the wwc who watch and read their products.
From the dark pool - it could be that the media and the pols just expect or actively seek this kind of response from the fringe activists it (secretly) promotes and is getting us used to the idea that, in the future, this kind of thing will come to actual fruition (this is the second such case in little over a year) and we will have to take sides.
Whatever, things like this should be remembered and used in evidence against those who argue the toss about 'home grown' Islamic terrorism. I am waiting for the Martin Amis horrorism response.. . .
Finally, it has to be said that indirectly, the story is another way that the left's weakness is revealed. Politically misguided as he was, this nut was political and could have had his energy directed at the real enemy. Mind you, it also seems that he was some kind of sex offender. Are some people irrevocably lost? h o p e n o t