lundi 30 juin 2008
Get You

Union weakness
What the...? How...? whu...? eh?
dimanche 29 juin 2008
Soldier fires on civilians
The predictable death of Labour England
"Sir Gerry, a former chairman of Granada television and drinks giant Allied Domecq who last year star starred in BBC TV series "Can Gerry Robinson Fix The NHS?", was among four party backers to speak out against Mr Brown's leadership in the Sunday Times.
They included businessman Sir Maurice Hitter, who told the newspaper Mr Brown did not have the "charisma" to lead the party and Sir Christopher Ondaatje, who attacked Mr Brown over his handling of the Northern Rock crisis.
Another donor, Everton chairman Bill Kenwright, told the newspaper the party had suffered an "energy bypass" and the leadership needed a "quantum change".
On Friday, Lord Levy, Mr Blair's former chief fundraiser, also suggested the party should change its leader, in an interview with BBC2's Newsnight.
But Alan Johnson, who will announce plans to end the "postcode lottery" for drugs in the NHS on Monday, insisted Mr Brown was still the right man to lead the country. "
It's scum like this who infected the party right at the time they knew Labour, anyone, could defeat the Tories. They got fat off the proceeds and now are shifting their ugly snouts and sniffing the Tories arses by distancing themselves from the Labour cadavre. It is a sign, all the same, that the ruling elite are, pleasingly, falling out amongst themselves as their cherished system splits at its bloated seams. Ho ho.
But, honestly, theses unelected upper class bastards almost make you want to support Gordon Brown if you didn't already hate the damned lot of them. It's a sorry terminus for the party but it brought the whole shit shower down on its own head. The illusion of British politics must continue - the people must be given the illusion of democratic change, and hence the Labour Party must be once again consigned to political oblivion. Until the Tories fuck it all up again and the sorry cycle repeats itself. Roll on the revolution.
samedi 28 juin 2008
Unknown riots
[Surely you can translate this? - REL editorial team]
It's a familiar story. The member of a 'minority' group in society gets killed (this time by an drug dealing ex-soldier). The man, Mohamed D was in the wrong place at the wrong time (according to reports cited in Humanité) and gets shot in the head. Immediately, riots break out throughout Rome-Saint-Charles. The neighbourhood itself is disadvantaged, isolated from the rest of Vitry-le-François, with a 32% unemployment and 33% poverty rate and the local political situation is described as one of a "social and ethnic apartheid".
Three things about this episode stand out. Firstly, that social tensions in France remain extremely high. True, this was a horrible incident and people are right to be angry about it. However, the scale and ferocity of the rioting reveals the profound political, social and economic problems of inner-city life, not just in France but in the rest of Europe (riots and shootings have been part of the English social landscape for a number of years now, for example - eg the riots in Oldham and Bradford, and the recent bout of poor working class people gunning down other poor working class people in London this year). People are bitter about deeply entrenched inequalities that grind into their faces every minute of every day. They get harassed by the police, they feel they have failed in advance for that job interview and get bored and frustrated. It's not rocket science. Add to that the glitzy showbiz politics continuum that surrounds them/us, with its emphasis its boring boring emphasis on 'success' 'profit' winning money wealth all epitomised by the lizard politicians and their corporate backers and its relatively straightforward to see from whence the nihilism originates. For these lonely deaths in roads and streets and ambulances are definite signs of the political nihilism that has grown and festered in the mechanism of neoliberal politics for the last thirty years.
Secondly, and relatedly, the media response to this incident shows where its true concerns lie. Sure, if you get your car torched you're going to be upset, even taking into account the price of petrol these days. However, the standard response in the news articles, radio pieces and (rare) TV analysis concentrated exclusively on the damage to cars and police. Poperty is important. The police serve and protect. Supermarket shouldn't get smashed up. What's the problem there you might think. Well you fucking shouldn't. Notice the picture below. That's the image the MSM wants to enforce and reinforce in people's minds. That's what the Interior minister wants to reduce this affair to. She gets to look hard and tough and can mouth off about voyous and yobbos to her glassy heart's content. In doing so, she can minimise the story and criminalise the area (and the social explanations of it) and hence, (in her mind at least) absolve the state's role in producing the toxic social circumstances that create the riot conditions in the first place. Waving the pictures of burnt out cars and trashed trucks (they're only fucking cars for fucks sake - it's not that bloody tragic) is pure diversionary politics. Even (even?!) Humanité got sucked in or tried to suck its readership in with this tactic.
The aftermath and destruction take on an unduly prominent place in the narrative. There is no picture of the Mohamed D. (whose name wasn't even mentioned on the BFM TV bulletin coverning the story) who is erased from the scene for a second time. All that remains for the average viewer is that some yobbos attacked the police and burnt some cars - no story. The media's role is so embedded in the state's political projection that we might have to start studying Sovietology.
Finally, the story contrasts markedly with the fate of another youth on the receiving end of some violence recently.

"A Jewish teenager savagely beaten by a gang wielding metal bars in an apparently anti-Semitic attack in Paris came out of a coma Monday, hospital officials said. The 17-year-old had been in a coma after the attack Saturday evening by youths in Paris' multi-ethnic 19th district. The hospital treating him said Monday his condition was "improving." President Nicolas Sarkozy, in Israel for a state visit, led condemnation of the attack, expressing his "profound indignation" and reaffirming his "total determination to combat all forms of racism and anti-Semitism." Anti-Semitism is a sensitive issue in France, where the 600,000-strong Jewish community is western Europe's largest, and which is also home to a five-million strong Muslim population."
This story has received a lot of coverage over the last ten days or so even as it became clear that the anti-semitic element was not as clear cut as first appeared and when it came to light that the youth himself was known to police for racial violence himself. What is important though, is that the President himself condemned this act whilst remained silent on the murder of Mohamed D. It is interesting to note too, the nod and the hint contained in the last line of the AFP report and the fact (ok not at all sceintific) that if you hunt fot the Mohamed D story you get about 12000 hits on google but for the anti'semitic beatng, twice as many. This would be true if it was a 'white' boy getting a kicking of Chinese youth or a 'white' gang getting beaten up by 'black' gangs. The reporting shows the hierarchy and the types of social and ethnic apartheid that, as London celebrates Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday, (still) characterise our own inner cities.
vendredi 27 juin 2008
Our Royals are a bargian!
All the money's gone
Savings ah yes. Those little piles of ten, five and two pences that gradually accumulate and coalesce into thiry and forty pound piles, money gouged up from within ancient sofas, money found in trouser pockets, long forgotten Premium Bonds in dusty coffee pots, pseatas and little bundles of liras that you'd forgotten you'd kept and give you a little surprise of excitement when you dig them up from the miscellaneous draw only to disappoint when you realise, unknown currencies found in old film containers that might be worth something you never know, a stamp! a stamp! hold on look at this it's a gold coin with something French written on it must be worth a fortune oh wait chocolate. fuck what's this...a bank book! bankk book Hallelujah! Northern Rock one hang on.... bollocks I don't remember spending that o well, fiver innit nah.
Savings? Don't talk to me about savings
"...couple of pay cheques away from destitution."
jeudi 26 juin 2008
A (Labour!) government

the worst June since the Great Depression
Market data FTSE 100 -147.9 5518.2//DAX-158.24 6459.6//Dow Jones -358.41 11453.42// Nikkei -277.96 13544.36.
One shouldn't read too much into these figures or gloat. But "hah it's the end of capitalism as we know it - die you banker shareholder scum!!!"
Why blogger
Once things started to change he came to believe that "In other words, us pros will still run the show." But soon after he questioned even this so that now "It is entirely conceivable that the digital revolution may, in the fullness of time, sweep the media mogul aside. "
The blogiverse is not an alternative to political action, but it makes it all the more effective when people all round the world can be inspired by it. And it's frightening the 'right' [like Greensdale] people.....
All that is solid melts into air - and a good thing to o. . . . .
Conspiracy Night
This is achieved by:
(1) Disengaging their minds, sabotaging their mental activities, by providing a low quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design, and economics, and by discouraging technical creativity.
(2) Engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:
(a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the newspapers.
(b) giving them what they desire - in excess - "junk food for thought" and depriving them of what they really need."
the site quoting this document has it down as ". . .Another very insightful document of questionable origin. . ." Quite. Mwahaha
“The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”
A quote from Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks: he applied it to Italy in the 1930s. I think it sheds some light on our situation today.
For me, since 1997 politics has felt precisely like this.
UK corruption plc
to trade large blocks shares in secret to minimise market impact."
They really are taking the piss.
....Fascist terror not news move along nothing to see

mercredi 25 juin 2008
The next bubble will be water
The Guardian assumes the position
Either they are hopelessly naive. They really believe America is run by a aberrant President and that come January 2008 all will be well,
or they are committed to pulling the wool over their readers' eyes and playing a role in the propaganda machine
or they just forget and have to fill the page up so some guff or other.
I hope it's the latter but fear it is the second.
We are the enemy
Face it - Marx was right. It is easy to say "But where are the revolutions?" They are fermenting everywhere. Lazier to say "But why aren't the people angry". They are, everywhere. Simplistic to say "Nothing will happen. Nothing will change." when change is eating everything up.
Patience comrades, patience. . . patience and preparation. . . .
Intellectual top ten
Top Ten World Intellectuals:
1. Fethullah Gulen
2. Muhammad Yunus
3. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
4. Orhan Pamuk
5. Aitzaz Ahsan
6. Amr Khaled
7. Abdolkarim Soroush
8. Tariq Ramadan
9. Mahmood Mamdani
10. Shirin Ebadi
A sooth sayer speaks
"I think we are likely to see a Fall shock hit the market. Last year we saw the Fed do a 180 degree turn from talking about inflation to cutting rates like a mad hatter. This year I believe we will see the Fed abandon its talk of fighting inflation to once again intervening to bail out some bank, patch up the leaky economy, or in response to a stock market mini-crash. I think the situation right now is like it was a year ago - everyone is worried about inflation, but the bigger problems lurk in the cooked books the banks are carrying. In fact we are more likely to see more problems emerge and the stock market go lower as that is the primary trend right now. "
Sell your BAT shares comrades and buy gold. Teeth that is.
When will the anger turn political?
mardi 24 juin 2008
Terrorist camps
• The European Court of Human Rights announced it would investigate the Government's plans to hold terror suspects for up to 42 days;
• The Government announced it is to build a specialist detention centre for terror suspects."
Specialist dentention centre for terror suspects????? wtf?
Cease ceasefire
(Yes, it's obvious and unsurprising, but it still needs to be said every so often).
'Israel threatens ceasefire with raid into West Bank' - why not put that - we wonder ironically.
See how they run
A something-nearly-happened-day.
Kill the Rich
The Guardian provoking somebody somewhere writes nonchalantly and dreamily "The combined wealth of the millionaires, defined by Merrill Lynch as "high net worth individuals', grew by 9.4% to $40.7 trillion, demonstrating once again, the truism that the wealthy are getting wealthier all the time."
Yes, it's a truism, face it accept it learn to love it. Not something to be angry about now. There there. Once, when the left said it, we were resentful losers - but now it's open and putrifyingly so in everyone's face - including those starving on the streets - it's a truism - like "BORING come on. You know, say something we don't know! It's just a fact - the rich get richer the poor get poorer."
The rich get richer of course because the poor get poorer was Marx's insight and one day the rest of the argument will unfurl its boots on the stinking faces of the greedy viscious ignorant rich filth of the world.
"The report suggest that global wealth of high net worth individuals will grow to $59.1tn by 2012, advancing at a rate of 7.7% a year." This must not be allowed to happen. Enough defeat. Fuck the fucking fuckers.
Next stop Tehran. . .?

I was googling for a picture of somewhere in Iran, a street, a café something normal but all I could find was a load of hanged people photos, pictures of missiles and scared-up pics of the president. The point was meant to be - this is just another country leave it the fuck alone. Let the Iranian people do any régime changing, get rid of your own nuclear missiles and if you do invade, say "Yeah, we want their oil ok"- at least be honest for a change. Not that you'd get away with it so easily, though, this time. Which there won't be. . . .will there?
It has to be said - just because an idea is absolutely insane that is insufficient for the American government not to go ahead and do it. Think not? Well read on....
"“If the president thought John McCain was going to be the next president, he would think it more appropriate to let the next president make that decision than do it on his way out,” said Kristol.
However, he warned, “if President Bush thinks Senator Obama’s going to win, does he somehow think—does he worry that Obama won’t follow through on that policy.”"
So if Obama looks good for the Presidency come the end of Summer - Bush'll give the Israelis the green light and sabotage Obama? Or even get the elections cancelled....
The word on the streets
"The left is not acting to bring down the government either; it’s taking a soft line to get people behind it. The attacks we’re suffering in France are international. In general the world is in a bad way, but the more things are bad the more some people are doing fine. Sarkozy’s policies are international, we need an international struggle.”
Even allowing for translational ambiguities, this is crystal and spot on. As for the politicians, see what fuckAshdown is vomiting up (below).
Who are the terrorists?
"Certainly it would be a big advantage to him," . . .
. . . but not to the people who end up maimed and dead presumably.
("Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who during a Long Island bookstore appearance stated, "The more successful they've been at intercepting and stopping bad guys, the less proof there is that we're in danger. And therefore, the better they've done at making sure there isn't an attack, the easier it is to say, 'Well, there never was going to be an attack anyway.' And it's almost like they should every once in a while have allowed an attack to get through just to remind us.").
With politicians like these, who needs terrorists?
Recolonise now!
Whatever happens, western military intervention is the worst case possible. Doing nothing is better than the wretched something they have to offer - the doing must be owned by the Zimbabwean people - no matter how tumultuous and painful that transition is. British troops on the ground will make a bad situation unbearable. It must not happen.
It's all the bloody public's fault
" The roads minister Tom Harris had pointed out that living standards have risen, crime is down, people live longer and they enjoy more pleasures and entertainments of every kind. "So why is everyone so bloody miserable?" he asked. Are "crippling levels of cynicism and pessimism part of the human condition ... Were we always like this? What happened to that postwar optimism and commitment to common values? Are they gone for ever, and if so, why? If not, how can we bring them back?"
Firstly, are people so "bloody miserable" - or are they just sick of this particular government? It's a nice trick if you can pull it off, to blame the people for being just downright unpleasant and so bloody ungrateful - after all, then the status quo can elect a new people. But if the people are generally ok, (that is, we are not starving in the streets, huddled in cellars whilst mortars rain down or being herded into camps. . .) but see through the rottenness of the Labour party then the government is in serious trouble. Which is the more likely explanation. . .?
Secondly, it's actions that are cynical - and there has been no other government as cynical as this one. Think Iraq think 'A good day to bury bad news'.
Thirdly - yes, that postwar optimism (presumably this tool isn't talking about the Iraq war) the Labour Party squandered that too and lost the election in '51.
Finally, how "can we bring them back" - how can we get rid of "them" more like.
Sure, it's all a pop at the Daily Mail, but really blaming the audience is a sure sign that the show is over.
lundi 23 juin 2008
Once upon a time

I used to like Martin Amis - 'Money', 'Rachel Papers' even 'Dead Babies'. Now, I realise that the feminists at the time who berated us for reading his stuff, were in fact correct. 'Money' might be half decent but the rest of his output trailed off to pure shite a long time ago. Plus he's a racist cunt - get what he said last year -
"There’s a definite urge - don’t you have it? - to say… the Muslim community will have to suffer until it gets its house in order. What sort of suffering? Not let them travel. Deportation - further down the road. Curtailing of freedoms. Strip-searching people who look like they’re from the Middle East or from Pakistan … Discriminatory stuff, until it hurts the whole community and they start getting tough with their children."
How the shitey have fallen. . .
Class war

Watch out, rozzer's about.
Signs of resistance # 4
Life is impossible
"There's no dreams".
There's no dreams - That's good and bad. It sounds bad at first - no dreams of holidays abroad or swimming pools - life is just too expensive, but (politically and only politically) it is 'good'. Without dreams to obscure it, there is anger and movement.
The video needs time to download - but the three minutes or so say ten times more than the media is doing at the moment about the current crisis.
Atoms and void - get used to it

In general I find it painful that you claim a privileged position and try to defend it by two walls of pride, an external one as a man and an internal one as a Jew. As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the privilege of monotheism. But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one. And the animistic interpretations of the religions of nature are in principle not annulled by monopolisation. With such walls we can only attain a certain self-deception, but our moral efforts are not furthered by them. On the contrary.
Now that I have quite openly stated our differences in intellectual convictions it is still clear to me that we are quite close to each other in essential things, i.e. in our evalutations [sic] of human behaviour. What separates us are only intellectual ‘props’ and ‘rationalisation’ in Freud’s language. Therefore I think that we would understand each other quite well if we talked about concrete things.
With friendly thanks and best wishes
Yours, A. Einstein."
dimanche 22 juin 2008
Feed the popstars

Say terrible

Financially bankrupt as well
samedi 21 juin 2008
Britain is good at something!
Which just about sanctions every crime there is really. Some facts -
"The figure amounts to a third of all worldwide export orders for military equipment, ministers and arms companies reported."
"The Ministry of Defence says the terms of the contract - called Salam, Arabic for peace - and the total expenditure involved are confidential."
"Over the past five years the top arms exporters have been the US, with $63bn worth of sales, UK ($53bn), Russia ($33bn), France ($17bn) and Germany and Israel ($9bn each), according to government figures. " [This after the reprehensible anullation of all those 2005 poverty pledges]
"halving arms exports would lead to the loss of about 49,000 jobs but this would be offset by the creation over a five-year period of 67,000 new jobs in non-arms employment." - GOOD
The UK is the most corrupt country in the entire world.
vendredi 20 juin 2008
Attacking Iran
"I am sure most of posts that follow will be the usual de rigour Israel/US bashing perhaps some sane posters can address the strategic issues (i.e. remove their own irrelevant value judgements as neither Iran nor Israel nor US actually care if some sandle wearing ex-anthropology lecturer in Islington is up in arms about the "neo conservative conspiracy") Please try to understand - your dinner party grandstanding is totally and utterly and completely irrelevant to the question posed by the author."
So please remove your "irrelevant value judgements"! - It is difficult to extrapolate to who these people are, but I hope they don't share the same insoussiance towards condemnation when it comes to valuing the actions of those who vandalise cemetries and deny holocausts and so on. And why the ire towards London social sceince lecturers I wonder? The blazing anger towards the end, really shows how much the author of this comment actually wants some kind of violence to take place.
BlogWeirdo of the week.
jeudi 19 juin 2008
Education by humiliation

Bean counter replaced by Bean
the story ends, "The Bank has two deputy governors, with the second - currently Sir John Gieve - being responsible for financial stability. Gieve last night dramatically quit after Darling announced that he will create a Financial Stability Committee (FSC) to sit alongside the MPC.", it makes you wonder why these rats, in a sudden change of metaphor, are jumping ship. . . . .
Shut up and spend

Double think double onions
Thank you darling
"Continued restraint on pay is required from both the public and private sector. We must recognise the need to reward efforts of people who work hard. But to return now to inflationary pay settlements would undermine rather than raise people's living standards with a damaging circle of wage increases eroded by steadily rising prices. We must never return to those days."
Mr Darling rejected suggestions that the UK was heading for a 1970s-style period of stagflation, with stagnant growth and spiralling inflation fuelled by large pay increases.
The key point here is that a 'damaging circle' would 'materialise' (like it's not already here) if the little people got more money because then, prices would go up (because the bosses, er, want to keep their profit margins high). So instead prices will rise ('. . . "today's turbulence is caused by international pressures from oil and food prices, being felt by every economy in the world", he said.') and workers will have their living standards undermined - that can be the only inference from the drivel he was coming out with. Sure, as I argue below, poverty is ok so long as it's not a debilitating poverty and an equitable one, but Darling's approach is one guaranteed to continue the social conflict already bubbling along at the moment. His preaching is aimed at the public sector workers mainly and not at the slobbering snouts he was talking to, who will enjoy massive bonuses and huge pay rises. Perhaps he is a deep revolutionary mole sent into the system to bring about its violent demise by exposing capitalism's insoluble contradictions in terrible speeches like this. Wanker.
mercredi 18 juin 2008
Wealth cap

Other minds
The expected (?) Cartesian response would run along the lines that one can doubt the existence of other minds in a way one cannot possibly doubt the existence of one's own. Thus, 'the' 'answer' would be "No". Nietzsche was right, though, Descartes was superficial. What kind of doubt would it take - a very doubtful doubt, yet a void opens up between l'autre and soi-même.
The unexamined life would answer - one knows them equally well.
What would a communist answer look like? The beginning might be that others know you better than you do yourself and you only know what little you know of yourself due to them.
Eco 101 Theory and History Paper June 17 9.00 am 2050
"US unemployment rose 0.5 per cent last month; US home sales and house prices are in free fall, and not expected to bottom for 18 months; high energy prices are dampening consumer spending and axing confidence levels. If Bernanke raised interest rates in this environment Americans would send out a lynching party. More seriously any increase in interest rates would crash the bond and stock markets.
Indeed, it is far more likely that the pressure will come in the other direction, either this autumn or early next year. Bond prices look expensive against surging inflation, while corporate profits are being squeezed by inflation threatening stock valuations. Both the stock and bond markets are set up for a crash, and that would mean lower and not higher interest rates."
What really went on there?
We only have this excerpt. . .
". . .This problem struck at the centre of what made capitalism a distinctive economic system. Its inherent competitiveness, whilst a motor of innovation and productivity, dooomed its macroeconomic workings to insoluble contradictions resulting ultimately in the catastrophic events of that famous Summer. . ."
Home is where the repo man is
The American Dream
Tin hatters
What moutains of information are being kept from us because some roach in governance is leaning on some toady hack?
mardi 17 juin 2008
Low turnout. . .
Isolated, demoralised and depressed - don't let them (and their union lackeys) do it to you
Permanent crisis

Here in France, there is a general(ish) strike today over pensions and the increase in the working week. The bosses can only do one thing, the workers the other. The ruling class and their governance clique have to continue the pressure on the 'little people', ("In New Labour's Britain, the working poor are taking the hit for a free-falling economy, while the rich get richer. Already reeling from below-inflation deals and privatisation, public service workers face an unjust pay policy - a 2% limit, not just last year, but this year, next year and the year after. Six million workers are enduring four years of a draconian pay policy that applies only to them.") reduce the amount of pensions, real wages and 'pension time' whilst the workers can only respond by withdrawing their labour, generate solidarity across the field of exploitation and, eventually, form an independent revolutionary party.
President pours praise on Brown
lundi 16 juin 2008
ARise ye masses

dimanche 15 juin 2008

All strikes are justified
samedi 14 juin 2008
Red exile and now some 'league'
Britain were leading 22-4 in Padova, Italy, when violence erupted.
GB manager Mick Turner said: "This competition is an absolute disgrace. We'll have to think hard about taking part in events like this in future."
Claude Oabolu, coach of the French side, said: "I am desolate. Some of our players are crazy." "
Ah yes. A hooligan's game played by and for hooligans. Still, this would have been a better game than any Rugby Union stuffn nonsense.
Your votes do not count
vendredi 13 juin 2008
Top of the morning to youse
mercredi 11 juin 2008
Whose side are you on?
All forms of bourgeois political power of course. Royal reveals here the true nature of the Socialist party's purpose - not to challenge but to cooperate with governance, not to stir up the anger against the status quo's policies but to divert and pacify it. To break out of the current stultifying impasse, the 'despair' of which she speaks (and speaks accurately) needs to be directed, inflamed and politicised. But yesterday's unstrike action, as directed by the coopted Unions, play their role in demotivating the poplace and allowing governance to carry on gradually and systematically reducing people's living standards. That is its only possible response to the ongoing economic failure we are seeing.
By cutting wages, benefits and pensions it protects the ruling elite's profits, but, of course, at the expense of political support and, eventually, the system's own legitimacy. Just how soon is the 'eventually' is the question - but patience, comrades, patience. . .
mardi 10 juin 2008
Bush flies in
lundi 9 juin 2008
"The worst is over"
Which means companies've been making such gigantic profits over the past thirty years or so, that they can spare a dime for the 'little people' - at least for a while.
Another way to look at this current bout of turbulence, is not to think of prices going up so much as currencies being devalued. One often has dreams of a financially secure future, but the reality gets clearer every day - a lot of us are going to be sitting on street corners chewing on raw turnips.
Barring a political upturn, of course. . .
samedi 7 juin 2008
Freeze market
Even Age Concern try to lull people by calm words and worn cliché - "hikes" "heavy blow" "make ends meet" "cutting back" If you put it thus, "The free market takes so much from the poor to give to the rich that old poor people freeze to death." then there is no 'heavy blow' the arbitrary nature of which makes the 'hikes' (i.e. profit taking speculation price rises) look like random events, no 'make ends meet' which is so clichéd that it ceased to have any meaning decades ago and no 'cutting back' which makes turning the fire off appear as a choice rather than an enforced rationing.
There comes a time when you have to ask whether these organisations, and by extension the unions, advice bureaus and many of the NGO's are not in the end doing the governance's work for them.
I remember when Neil Kinnock just before te election in '92 said words to the effect that if you vote Tory tomorrow "don't get sick, don't lose your job don't get old" - well we all voted Labour the next time but it all worked out the same in the end. Yeh, cheers.
Yee haaar

Two top airforce commanders got fired on Wednesday because of 'mistakes' they'd been responsible for. Not the kind of mistakes you or I would make - leaving the iron on, forgetting to turn up, being late, sending emails to the wrong address, that sort of thing. These guys (or their representatives) accidentally sent ballistic missile fuses to Taiwan (a country in dispute with, er, China) and allowed six nuclear missiles à la Dr. Strangelove, to go awol over the USA itself. The details of the episode are classified due to 'national security' reasons, ironically enough.
There are two traditional ways to approach these types of strange stories. The cock up or the conspiracy. Yet these are more postmodern times and these dualisms don't give anymore. The cock-up explanation has been on the internet since the missiles went astray lasy Autumn. Someone called "V/rSSgt" (they wanted to remain anonymous) laughed it all of as just one of those things. It's a longish mail, that dismisses the conspiracy stories surrounding the story (the idea that the awol bombs were part of a plot hatched by rogue elements in the US high command to bomb Iran, the idea that there is still yet a bomb missing. . .) but who knows perhaps he/she is telling the truth:
"Hello there,I’m a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I do network security, so, that’s why I’m emailing anonymously, even though I really don’t feel it’s necessary. I’m just paranoid like that, which is why I’m pretty good at my job. ;) Also, parts of what I’m putting in here are probably classified, which is the primary reason I’m sending this anonymously."
1. This sounds plausible enough. 'Staff Sargeant' 'network security' - but why say you're emailing anonymously if it wasn't really necessary and then say ". . .parts of what I'm putting in here are probably classified. . .". And the emoticon - why put one there? You'd put one if you were tryng to convince someone of the opposite of what was the case - but then again the writer may just be like that :-). So let us assume, for the moment, the writer is what they say they are.
"Anyway, I see a lot of people posting on Reddit about government conspiracies about nukes and things like this. It’s frustrating for me because it’s really very silly. Please, let me explain some background, to help you all understand what’s going on in the background for the Air Force:"
2. "Frustrating" and "very silly". Would someone in an organisation who'd just fckd up royally want to come out with something that? There are safeguards after safeguards to prevent this type of thing from happening - saying, in effect, "Don't worry your pretty head about it. . ." rather than "You're right to be worried this is a major lapse. . . " it suggests something of a covering up exercise on behalf of somebody - an ambiguous sign but not an unamiguously clear sign of something being honeslty dealt with.
The next section of the article presents the idea that the Minot base is being decomissioned and, so, everyone who works there just doesn't give a damn. Plus there's a load of nuclear missiles that need moving - since there is no Soviet enemy anymore to drop them on - but no one wants the responsibility (the Dept. of Energy, Congress, the Air Force. . .) and that people just got careless.
3. Again, plausible enough. It hardly reassures that people in charge of nuclear weapons are so lackadaisical but ok, one might think. The key point is "The mistake, and the reason everyone now knows about this, is that the warheads weren’t removed from the missiles being moved to Barksdale. I bet the guys on the ground in Barksdale were sure as shit surprised when they cracked the payload open and saw a warhead. ;)" Again, for me, this second emoticon doesn't give the impression of someone taking the reader that seriously. It's hardly proof of a conspiracy, but for me it's just about enough, taken together with the attempted humour "Sorry to kill your confidence in the military."
The next section further undermines confidence that this email is authentic. "I’ve seen too much crazy stuff to believe in some massive conspiracy, there’s too many people involved. You’d have to kill like 50 people to “cover up” moving nukes to Barksdale. Plus, what would it achieve? There’s already more than enough nukes at Barksdale to blow the world up 3x over. Who needs 6 more? Seriously? Plus, more accidents occur with conventional than nukes, since nukes are computerized and designed to be super-duper safe. Conventional weapons are built by the lowest bidder. [Yikes!] I’d be more worried about a fully-loaded F16 flying around NYC after 9/11 sucking up a bird than a B52 with nukes flying around without anyone knowing it was loaded with nukes. The pilots couldn’t "secretly" be in on it and launch them, the interface wouldn’t be installed, the COMSEC material wouldn’t be available, etc. You’d have to kill half the base to hide the paper trail necessary to give the pilots the ability to launch."
4. Ah yes, the mysterious deaths. There have been 12 deaths associated with this incident. Pilots and staff have been dying in accidents etc. Part of a conspiracy or just coincidence. . . As for the interface not being installed - hmm... would that really matter if you wanted to get your hands on a usable warhead? "crazy stuff happens"
So, to conclude, just chill out a bit about the conspiracy, it’s kinda silly. Plus, again, what would be the point? It’s not a big deal to authorize a nuke mission. After 9/11 the entire Barksdale arsenal was loaded and on the flightline ready to fly. I wouldn’t sweat 6 who someone forgot to unload.
Feel free to republish, maybe it'll educate a few people.
5. I wouldn't be worried about six going missing?!? The conspiracies centre on the thought that there is more to this episode than just a simple mistake. Right at the top - there's the idea that this was a foiled plot by a faction within the US military to export six nuclear weapons to Iraq so to nuke Iran and plunge the US into a military dictatorship thus cancelling the election. Second, there's the idea that this was part of a plan to accidentally on purpose smuggle out nuclear warheads to 'terror' organisations and given the lax security at the base that doesn't seem totally ridiculous. Third - there's the idea that this was part of a plot to oust the Air Force command in revenge for their criticisms of the Iraq fiasco.
As http://www.wsws.org/ put it,"Was there more to the unauthorized flight of a nuclear-armed bomber last August than the government dares reveal to the American people?
Are the Air Force chiefs being sacked in preparation for using America’s airpower in another criminal war of aggression, potentially against Iran, under conditions in which the Pentagon’s uniformed command is already deeply dissatisfied with the over-extension of US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Had the near mutiny over military procurements, which apparently enjoyed the backing of powerful financial interests, gone further than has been revealed? Were they forced out to avoid a more open challenge to the civilian control of the military?
The answers to these and other crucial questions remained hidden behind a veil of “national security.” Clearly, however, under conditions of a protracted decay of basic institutions of bourgeois democracy in America, the ever-increasing power of the military poses the most fundamental threat to the basic democratic rights of American working people."
It was a cocked up conspiracy stemming from a lot of genuine and conspiratorial cock ups. Given that a day after this incident Israel bombed a bunker in Syria, these dark thoughts are not all that tinhatty.

P.S. - Why are these nuclear weapons still around? They were always unnecessary and mad during the cold war - now they're just accidents waiting to happen.
vendredi 6 juin 2008
Reuters notes that" Network Rail took over the running of Britain's railways following the collapse of Railtrack in 2002. Part funded by government subsidies, it must reinvest all profits into the network or reduce debt.
The 26 billion pound figure, down from 28.1 billion earmarked for investment in the five years through 2009, is included in a document of preliminary findings published by the ORR ahead of final price settings in October.
The regulator also said Network Rail should cut operating, maintenance and renewals costs by 21 percent by March 2014."
Below this state backed company (State capitalism?) lurk all the crummy little rail companies that leech out a profit from the public. And these parasites are hungry - Virgin fares up on some lines by 150% National Express fares up 63%Arriva 10%. The evidence is plain as the profits are unjust - the rail privatisation was a last minute piece of Tory revenge/sabotage that the Labour Party hasn't the guts or political nouse to remedy. The whole network should be renationalised with compensation - for the passengers, that is, in the shape of the redistribution of the illgotten gains of the CEO's and shareholders' goods and property.
jeudi 5 juin 2008
Is this a dagger I see before me?

The 'reality' is more complex and ambiguous, of course. In fact, there is no major increase in knife crime.
"According to the British Crime Survey, knife-enabled crime (any crime involving a knife) over the past decade has remained stable at around 6-7% of all crime, comprising 30% of all homicides.
In fact, the most recent crime survey by the Metropolitan police showed that knife crime has actually dropped by 15.7% over the past two years, from 12,122 to 10,220 incidents"
That's no consolation for those affected by the nasty events that can well happen in Britain's towns and estates, but is a distance from the doom mongering in the media. This has all the characterstics of a media scare - perhaps to distract from the ugly economic situation, perhaps to just fill up the air time. Whatever it is, the meeja always fail to give any context to these crimes. There was a brief appearance by Lord Ouseley, the Former Chief Executive of the Commission for Racial Equality in Britain, on Hard Talk on the BBC who dared dared to mention the p word in relation to this problem. For once, the presenter did get 'hard' on a guest and forced Ouseley to back down by saying that even if people existed in alienated, fractured and poverty filled backgrounds this didn't excuse them from personal responsibility. Personal responsibility.
Another feature of the political context of this latest scare is the governance's emphasis on increasing police harassment of young people and minorities. ". . .civil rights campaigners in the capital have urged caution instead of this knee-jerk and heavy-handed response to the recent incidents. They have called attention to the fact that historically the use of “stop and search” has discriminated against black minorities and, more recently, Asian and Middle-Eastern ethnic minorities. Government figures suggest black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people, while Asians are almost twice as likely."
The wider political context is one of living in a country that has launched an illegal attack on two other countries - using far more dealy weapons than a puny knife in order to rob them - and getting away with it. So what kind of fucking example is that? If we're looking for role models for the UK youth, you wouldn't look for them in Westminster.
And historically, Britain is a very violent place. Everybody loves Shakespeare (yeh) - but have you seen MacBeth? There's a knife crime every ten minutes or so and I imagine some politician somewhere pontificating on the need to tighten up the laws get the government's message out loud and clear and convene a press conference or two, defend the occupation of Iraq, deny the existence of poverty in the UK and then sit through the Scottish gore fest and find it really entertaining.
Poor people's violence is haphazard and tragic - rich people's violence is truly sadistic, planned and psychotic. The former is used in the media to help cover up the latter.