He looks fucked. Everything's fucked we're all fucked.
Less seriously, though, he doesn't look right. True these photos are selected for a particular purpose (this one's from the Independent), but even so - the bags under his eyes have got bags too.
And what's been the response to the local election blow? Some inconsequential guff over social care for the elderly and acquiescence to big business lobbying for tax protection. That'll claw the votes back. French chums over here mused on whether the next two years would see the LP say "fuck it" and go socialist for a change and a laugh. Since they're going to lose, and lose majestically, why not introduce a hard hitting Leninist programme that would expropriate the bourgeoisie, introduce worker councils and execute the royal family and settle old scores. It'd make a rousing finale to a woeful thirteen years.
But like over here, there's only one party and the business show must go on whichever public school stooge is sucking the corporate schlong in No. 10 at any particular time.