'Gordon Brown suffers Long bloody Sunday' - the headline in The Guardian. First thought is, really? I mean as bloody as the hospital in Sadr City that got hit by an American air raid? Or as bloody as this fella in Gaza just trying to get by and getting beaten up by occupying forces? Or as. . .well you get the point.
The electoral 'defeat' is really nothing of the sort. The National Continuation Party (comprised of the two main 'factions' Lab and Con) did very well. Gordon Brown's side of the wall has, of course, committed the most serious betrayal of all - that of not winning. The only reason given for the abandonment of any vestiges of socialism was that it was necessary to serve the greater god 'Electoral Success'. Thousands of NuLab robots signed up. Now it has betrayed this idea and them too. On this latter point - every silver lining has a cliché
There was speculation in the paper that this could mean a conservtive government in 2009, from Martin Kettme of all people. That kind of waffle is so besides the point when there is only one choice on offer - the Business party and, of course, the Business as usual Party.
The real left has an ambiguous relationship with the whole electoral process - and rightly so. Thus, one should interpret the 'catastrophe' for one side of the NCP as nothing but the merest ripple in the political lake. And that Boris' victory as a sign that the whole mayor spectacle has been 'dollared' - as in devalued.
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