vendredi 19 septembre 2008

Comment on the bailout

Everyone breaths a sigh of relief. Thank God that's over. The taxpayers (whoever they are) are going to have to find a trillion dollars on top of the 600 bilion over the past month to sort things out, but like that nice Mr.Paulson says, it's wht we need for a return to stability in the housing market. The last ten years has seen a lot of that - he has a point hasn't he. So don't be bitter, knuckle down and when you notice your quality of life getting slightly worse again over the next few weeks and months, less wage, higher bills, higher food costs, higher fuel bills - just remember it's a price worth paying.

I mean don't start any trouble now.

In the comment section of the Guardian, though, this type of bromide (above) isn't going down well at all. The paper itself is torn between its left wing readership and its neolib controllers. Of all the seventy or so responses, they're all fiercely and justifiably angry about the rip off of the century that's just been pulled off.

There's one or two dissenters -

Sep 19 08, 11:47am (about 4 hours ago)
Seems to me that the US and UK governments are showing a refreshing pragmatism to events rather than clinging onto ideology.
Not that the same could be said for so many of the posters on here, who cling to their Marxism and are doubtless desperate for the crisis to escalate.
Its not "fair" that banks etc can be propped up in this manner, but when has life ever been fair. I'd rather the authorities stepped in and acted"

Ah yes 'pragmatism'. The trouble with that idea, as T.S. Eliot pointed out, is that it doesn't work. This bail out won't either. The market surge is nothing other than an irrational frenzy of speculative buying that will crash next week. "cling to their Marxism" - well there was a lot of left wingers on the site - as long as capitalism clings to life, there will, alas, be Marxists. Yes, let the crisis escalate. I agree with the trolly bastard there.
I have ceased to be patient with anyone who tops off an argument with the smug sneering "yes well, you know life isn't fair." They do not say it when their council tax doubles or they personally get ripped off. Old lady mugged? Well, life's not fair you know.

And somebody called "TristanJakobHoff " who unsurprisingly comes out with a long pro-banker speil inter alia saying that fianace industry is necessary for all those ps3's and mobile phones (that's the best he can do) and turd like this utter sickbag stuff "Yes, the people who work in finance get paid a lot. This is because of the huge sums of money involved and the unbelievable stress of their jobs." and this bullshit so awful, so bitter, so class sneeringly dogshit bad that it deserves quoting in full "If you prefer high unemployment, a declining property market and rising inflation - all inevitable effects of lower corporate and personal financing - then go ahead and gloat. If you feel the government is wrong to try to intervene to save the country's biggest industry, then I genuinely hope you never find yourself in any position of power. Before you lob the next volley of stones, don't forget - you live in this glass house too."

When the revolution comes - he's booked his place.

But I like to think that this type of boiling anger displayed in the comment box is like a wave of anger over a huge crowd. It's gathering force and magnitude and everyone all over the world can feel the raw unjustness of all this being stuffed in our faces. People everywhere are seething with political rage over this. All that money for some FAT CAPITALIST BASTARD STOCK BROKERS the instant they squeal their little piggy faces and some steam of piss for the starved million in the world?

Do they want terrorism to become justified? I mean, someone somewhere is angry enough and mad enough to wreak some crazed revenge over this. Not me! Obviously. But it's as if the string pullers and money gods are inciting resentment, rage, madness and terror by the shameful greed, hypocricy and murder they spread with total impunity.

Think about 911 now. Not the poor people like the cleaners and firemen and the normal good Americans that died in that mad act. But the symbolic nature of it. Somehow, after all this, it doesn't seem that bad anymore.