In class, I am interrogated as to what I mean when I say "real". Fortunately I have read Michael Devitt 'Realism and Truth' the month before. His idea is that what is real '. . .is that which is independent of our epistemological descriptions'. The students look blankly at me, as well they might. I try to explain - 'Take Santa Claus - he's made up. He doesn't exist outside what we say about fat men in red suits. Money is the same. It is what we say it is and what we say it should do'.
One student then says that since money is not real, then I should give the class all the money I have in my pocket. Twenty one pounds forty five pence as it turns out. 'Ah', I improvise, ' - but since money is not real it is nothing true either. Since it is not true, it is a lie. I am a philosophy teacher here to tell you the truth thus to give you money would be to tell you lies' I smile and depise myself for the rest of the day.